


Papi Xampeau

Masio Dotson better known as Papi Champeaux is a singer, songwriter, rapper, and actor from Boston, Massachusetts. Papi Champeaux has shaped his life and career around fusing art, culture, and community into one promising perspective. He started performing in theatre and music showcases at seven years old and began writing songs at ten. 

He dedicates his time between making music, participating in artistic community events, and collaborating with a plethora of artists, musicians, and young entrepreneurs.

Another Heist

With a combined 50+ years of musical experience, Jason, Brad and Petrina couldn’t have more different musical backgrounds. Jason was raised with African genres, Petrina with acoustic singer-songwriter influences, and Brad with heavy classic rock. But they’ve adopted all of their sounds and experience to create a pop fusion of catchy hooks, soulful melodies, and roaring beats.


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