


We thought up these television ideas. They could be your next latest hot show or concept. For further information, let us know which concept you’re interested in. If interested to see any sizzle reels or pitch decks of these concepts, please contact us.


Rogue Black

SCRIPT IN DEVELOPMENT – Having lived a difficult life, dealing with the system of race in this country, Alex finds her peace in the arts, it’s the only thing that has never betrayed her. But as her life unfolds and things become difficult, and as her experience stack in her mind, when backed into a corner, which way will her stack topple?


Untitled Romantic Comedy

SCRIPTS IN DEVELOPMENT – Insecure guys… Am I right?

woman_in_black_spaghetti_strap_top_smoking scopio de4098c8 2b95 4b0d 9edc 52c2e771393f scaled


SCRIPTS IN DEVELOPMENT – One woman’s venture into the abyss of United States dating. Insecure guys… am I right?


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